Monday, March 5, 2012

Isaac's Birthday

Today was Isaac's 9th birthday! Luke took the day off work and we decided to try out Park Wodny for the first time. I knew it would be too much for me to take my camera inside the water park (watching four kids inside a water park is enough work for me!) so I made Isaac stop for a picture in the parking lot. The kids loved this place, so I think we'll definitely be coming back.
After we were done at Park Wodny, we let Isaac choose where to eat for lunch. Of course, he picked KFC. Our boys are currently obsessed with KFC, and anytime we give them a choice of where to go out to eat that's what they choose. So we had birthday KFC....just like we did a month ago for Caleb's birthday.

We celebrated at home later that evening with Isaac's requested dinner of chicken taquitos. Then we gave him his presents. Luke had been teasing Isaac all day that all we were giving him was a box of cucumbers, so he couldn't resist pulling a little trick on him. After dinner, Luke went upstairs and wrapped up one of Naomi's toy cucumbers and presented it to Isaac as his present. Isaac wasn't amused.

Then we decided to give him his real present....he was pretty excited about that one.

He wanted a decorated cookie instead of a cake.

He got a few surprises from his friends back home which was really fun. We're very thankful for our friends back in the U.S.A.!

I was a little concerned about how the boys would handle having their birthdays here, away from friends and family. But they have been so happy, and celebrating their birthdays in Poland was just fine with them! We're so thankful for how God has helped our kids to adjust to life here.

Happy Birthday Isaac! We love you so much!

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