Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Birthday Cake Swap

I have a handful of blogs that I try to keep up with, and one of my favorites is Life as Mom. Jessica Fisher (or FishMama) and her family actually visited our church for a while when they lived in our neck of the woods, so I got to know her and her family a little bit while they were here. Her blog has lots of useful information and ideas for busy moms, and I have benefited a lot from her ideas and inspiration.

One of her fun weekly features is her Ultimate Recipe Swap on Thursdays. I have never participated before, but I couldn't resist this week's theme: Birthday Cakes. Those of you that know me, know that I love to decorate cakes. I'm nowhere near professional, but it is a fun hobby that has proven very useful since we have started our family. In order to participate in FishMama's recipe swap, I have to post my pics here and then link back to our blog. So here are some of my all-time favorite cake creations:

For Isaac and Caleb's 4th and 2nd birthdays we had to have a combined party because we were in the process of moving. They chose the CARS theme and each had a cake in their favorite character.

Caleb chose a motorcycle cake for his third birthday.

Isaac chose a snake cake for his 6th birthday.

Caleb wanted a Candyland cake for his 4th birthday.

None of my cakes are perfect, but they are fun to make and the boys love them. They can remember every birthday cake they have had, which makes all the effort worth it since it makes such fun memories for them. If you need inspiration for a birthday cake idea, head on over to Life as Mom to get ideas!


FishMama said...

Those are so fun! Thanks for sharing them. Good to "see" you again, Stacy!

Mrs. Frogster said...

Oh these are great! I love the Mater and Lightning cakes - those look professional! and I might just use that Candyland idea myself...

Sort of Fairytale Mom said...

Those are great!

Unknown said...

Very nice cakes! Great job!