Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What we've been up to...

Summer vacation has started and the boys and I have enjoyed a much slower pace over the last few weeks. We've been keeping busy, but mostly just with fun stuff like going to the pool and playdates with friends. Here are a few shots from the beginning of our summer vacation:

One of our favorite summer activities is going to the neighborhood pool.

Andrew has learned to sit up all by himself. I still put the Boppy there, just in case he gets a little wobbly.

He has also started eating (and enjoying) baby food.

We went to the petting zoo.

And last weekend we had a family reunion in Iowa. Here is Caleb with one of his favorite cousins, Tatum.

Our next big event is our trip to St. Louis for Andrew's final court date. If all goes according to plan, his adoption will be finalized on July 1st. What an exciting day that will be!

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