This summer has flown by and our departure for Poland is here! We fly out this morning and should arrive in Krakow Saturday morning. We are excited to get there and see what God has in store for us, but it has also been hard saying good-bye to our family and friends. We are so blessed with wonderful family and friends, and especially our church. I'm sure we will make new friends in Poland, but we know lots of people who will be missed here in the U.S.A!
If you think of us today, please pray for us as we make this trip. Please pray that Naomi will do well with the long flight. (I'm sure the boys will do fine, but an active toddler on an international flight could get a little troublesome.) Also, please pray for safe travel and that Luke and I will have patience as we travel with four young kids.
Lord willing, at this time tomorrow we'll be writing from here....