One of the most challenging verses for me to live out in the Bible is Phillippians 2:14: "Do everything without complaining or arguing.." I memorized this verse in college, and it is one that I haven't forgotten. I am convicted of this verse often. Whenever I find myself complaining my mind immediately floats to Phillippians 2:14,"Do everything without complaining..." This week I experienced something that always brings this verse to mind: having sick kids.
Beginning on Sunday night, Isaac and Caleb have had a bad case of the flu. They have taken turns with fevers, vomiting and body aches. Isaac spent nearly the entire day yesterday in bed with a fever we just couldn't get to break. I have hardly slept for two nights with three boys who have needed me to feed them, medicate them, and try to make them more comfortable. Surely it's okay to complain a little bit when I've had a rough week like this, right?
According to Phillipians 2 I am supposed to do everything without complaining, even taking care of sick kids. But how do I do that? It is so hard not to grumble when I am completely exhausted, and then have to wake up for the fifth time during the night to take care of a crying child. When Luke comes home from work, it's hard not to complain to him about the horrible day I have had and how exhausted I am. How do I go through weeks like this one and not complain about the circumstances God has given me?
While I don't do this perfectly (just ask Luke!) I feel like God has grown me a lot in this area over the last several years. One way I have learned to fight the temptation to complain is to train myself to look for blessings in every situation. When our kids are sick I try to focus on how, overall, God has blessed our family abundantly with good health. Our family has had no serious illnesses, injuries, or surgeries. The occasional cold or flu virus is all we have really had to deal with. When I am tempted to complain, I remind myself of all the families who have kids with serious, life-threatening illnesses and how they would rejoice if their child could only have the flu. When I think about those parents, it makes my trial seem miniscule, and my complaining ridiculous. Focusing on how God has blessed us not only trains me to have a grateful heart, it also puts my trials in perspective and shows me how I really have a pretty easy life.
I've also come to realize that, although I don't wish sickness on my kids, it's good for them spiritually. They need to have trials if they are going to learn how to rely on God. I realized this last year when Isaac was sick with a virus of some sort. While he was feeling badly, I asked him, "Is there anything I can do for you?" He replied "Just pray for me!" This wasn't the response I was expecting, but I was so glad to hear him say it. Luke and I often pray with the boys when they are sick, and Isaac had recognized the power of prayer and that God is the ultimate Healer. If you use these times of sickness as spiritual teaching tools, they can have a very powerful impact on your child.
I don't get excited when my kids start getting sick, and I am always soooo thankful when the germs have left our home and everyone is healthy again. But I also know what God promises me in Romans 8:28: "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God..." God doesn't bring a virus into our home and then just leave us to deal with it by ourselves. He's always there with us, and we need to look for ways to thank Him and praise Him during the trial instead of grumble about our situation.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Our family's happenings
I haven't posted anything in almost two weeks, so I thought I should at least get some pictures up. Here's some of what's been going on around here lately:
Luke had to install an invisible fence for Murphy, and while he was at it he decided to build a firepit for the boys. So far they have built two bonfires. Considering Isaac's pyromaniac tendencies I'm not sure this was such a great idea, but I'm going to trust Luke that he will not allow our sons to burn down the neighborhood. (While Luke was installing the fence for Murphy he also got a very nasty case of poison ivy that just won't go away. Murphy seems to be the gift that just keeps on giving. )
We joined a home-school co-op this semester that we participate in on Wednesday mornings. I teach a class on "Holidays" for the younger kids. For President's Day, we studied George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and made powdered wigs. Here is Isaac modeling his.
We celebrated Luke's birthday on the 17th. As you can tell from the candles, he turned the big "32."
And last but not least, we have decided that Andrew's double chin has now turned into a triple chin. Actually, it is hard to tell where the cheeks stop and the chins begin. It makes it a little difficult to smile when you have that much cheek to lift up, but he gives it a good try. He actually smiles and "talks" quite a bit now which has been really fun.
Next week we will be celebrating Isaac's birthday. He will be turning six! More birthday pictures will be coming...

Next week we will be celebrating Isaac's birthday. He will be turning six! More birthday pictures will be coming...
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Caleb's birthday fun
We had a small party for Caleb this past Saturday with the immediate family (grandparents, uncles, cousins, etc.) Here's some pics from his big night:
Since he has been Candyland-obsessed over the past year, I thought it was only fitting to make him a Candyland birthday cake. I think he liked it. (Of course, what kid wouldn't like a birthday cake with 50 pounds of candy piled on it?)
And just so you can see how big Andrew is getting, here he is at the party. He will be two months old this Saturday. He is smiling, talking, and interacting with us quite a bit now. He's such a fun baby!

Here he is patiently waiting to open his presents.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
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